Friday, March 20, 2009

Hacienda / Phosphorescent / The King Bucks

I don't usually find new stuff myself. Somebody a little more adventurous, a little more not-tied-to-a-desk than me will clue me in. Or most often, I'll wander on the webs and hear good things said/written about someone/something, and I go cruising in to it.

Here's three such things I cruised into. I can't take credit for them, and I'm lousy at giving it, but in any case, it lies here:

I read here that these dudes from S.A. were playing at SXSW and that if you like Dr. Dog, then these guys are up your alley. My take: Los Lonely Boys meets Rooney.
Their website

Love the backing band, dig the slow tempo, and well, it's a Willie tribute. How awesome? I say pretty much all awesome.
Their myspace page

The King Bucks
My guess is that each of the guys in this band are country music lovers and have barfly tendencies, which might explain how their individual musical talents are being spent playing Haggard and Yoakum covers. Joe Butcher on guitar is a standout, and singer/keys Chad Stockslager cracks me up. New album with some original songs coming out next week, too.
Their myspace page

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